Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quality of Light - Downtown Concord

I over shot for the quality of light assignment. The problem was that I really wanted to shoot the Steinhart Aquarium the first week it reopened but quickly realized that I might not be able to get in so I went around shooting anything and everything trying to get inspired. And after I had amassed more than enough pictures for the assignment I finally got into the California Academy of sciences and shot another assignments worth. Because I shot so much I really had troubble decideing what I liked most so I'm going to split the posts up.

The first installment will be of downtown Concord.

(Ok, this is Pleasant Hill, but it didn't fit in anywhere else)

1 comment: said...

That fiery photo at the beginning of this set rocks. So spooky but lovely all at once. There is an eerie-ness to it I think comes from not just the light but also slight abstraction.