Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quality of Light - Landscape

And the always popular landscapes. For these I mostly did sunsets, but I had a few daylights and night shots. I also played around with black and white so I'll include before and after images.

These are slightly different photographs, but I feel they are similar enough for comparison and the sun flare just looks off when the right image is colorized.

I really like being able to bring out certain colors in the black and white setting. It makes it easy to hilight the subject in your image.

Some people in class were wondering if this picture in particular would look better in color, but I find that the color takes away from how striking the crane is and makes it look much less imposing, which it always does in real life.

I once told a friend that I had always wanted a poster of the shipping cranes in Oakland and with disgust she asked why anyone would want a poster of something so ugly. I wanted it because I find them appealing. To me they represent the East Bay. When I’m on my way home from the airport or even just a long day in the city they bring me comfort because I know I’m on my way home. When I had morning rowing practice they would be light up along the highway and glow in the sunrise. And during the day they are striking additions to the skyline that look like giant prehistoric creatures drinking from the estuary. To me they will always be iconic, even if it is in an unconventional way.

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