Friday, December 12, 2008

St. Louis - Part 2

The Saint Louis Zoo has an amazing penguin habitat which includes the first walkthrough sub-Antarctic penguin exhibit in North America. It is well cooled and has lighting that simulates what they would be experiencing in the wild. It also has five feet deep pools-covered in glass so you can see them swim- for the penguins to swim in and allows them to swim below the path the visitors walk on. And while that has always blown me away, my favorite part had to be when the penguin keepers took some of the king and gentoo penguins outside of the enclosure and walk around.

To give you an idea of how incredibly close they got, this picture was taken with a 28 mm focal length and was not cropped. One of them almost touched me, but my innate fear of large birds (coming from being attacked by swans as a child) led me to quickly step back.

One of the keepers with some king penguins and a rockhopper penguin jumping into the water.

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